qingguo lv-凯发娱发com

 qingguo lv-凯发娱发com
current position: english>> faculty>> >>
qingguo lv
update  :   2021-10-09    read  :  

qingguo lü

assistant researcher

email: qglv@cqu.edu.cn

qingguo lü received the ph.d degree from the college of electronic and information engineering, southwest university, chongqing, china, in 2021. from june 2019 to september 2019, he was a research associate with the science program, texas a&m university at qatar, doha, qatar. he is currently a hongshen young teacher (special support) at college of computer science, chongqing university, chongqing, china. his research interests include decentralized optimization, privacy protection, machine learning, and smart grids. he has published many academic papers and has been invited as a reviewer for many international journals, including ieee tac, ieee tnnls, ieee tcyb, ieee tsmc, ieee tnse, etc. he is an ieee member.

selected publication(*corresponding author)

1.qingguo lü, xiaofeng liao*, tao xiang, huaqing li, and tingwen huang. privacy masking stochastic subgradient-push algorithm for distributed online optimization.ieee transactions on cybernetics, regular paper, 2021, 51(6): 3224-3237.

2.qingguo lü, xiaofeng liao*, huaqing li and tingwen huang. a nesterov-like gradient tracking algorithm for distributed optimization over directed networks.ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, regular paper, in press.

3.qingguo lü, xiaofeng liao*, huaqing li and tingwen huang. achieving acceleration for distributed economic dispatch in smart grids over directed networks.ieee transactions on network science and engineering, regular paper, 2020, 7(3): 1988-1999.

4.qingguo lü, xiaofeng liao*, huaqing li and tingwen huang. a computation-efficient decentralized algorithm for composite constrained optimization.ieee transactions on signal and information processing over networks, regular paper, 2020, 6: 774-789.

5.qingguo lü, huaqing li* and dawen xia. geometrical convergence rate for distributed optimization with time-varying directed graphs and uncoordinated step-sizes.information sciences, 2018, 422: 516-530.

6.qingguo lü, huaqing li*, zheng wang, qi han and wei ge. performing linear convergence for distributed constrained optimisation over time-varying directed unbalanced networks.iet control theory and applications, 2019, 13(17): 2800-2810.

7.qingguo lü, huaqing li* and dawen xia. distributed optimization of first-order discrete-time multi-agent systems with event-triggered communication.neurocomputing, 2017, 235: 255-263.

8.qingguo lüand huaqing li*. event-triggered discrete-time distributed consensus optimization over time-varying graphs.complexity, 2017, 2017: 1-12.

9.qingguo lü, huaqing li*, xiaofeng liao and hongyi li. geometrical convergence rate for distributed optimization with zero-like-free event-triggered communication scheme and uncoordinated step-sizes.ieee icist 2017, 2017: 351-358.

10. huaqing li,qingguo lü, guo chen, tingwen huang*, and zhaoyang dong. distributed constrained optimization over unbalanced directed networks using asynchronous broadcast-based algorithm.ieee transactions on automatic control, regular paper,2021, 66(3): 1102-1115.

11. huaqing li,qingguo lüand tingwen huang*. distributed projection subgradient algorithm over time-varying general unbalanced directed graphs.ieee transactions on automatic control, brief paper, 2019, 64(3): 1309-1316.

12. huaqing li,qingguo lü, xiaofeng liao, and tingwen huang*. accelerated convergence algorithm for distributed constrained optimization under time-varying general directed graphs. ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-systems, regular paper, 2020, 50(7): 2612-2622.

13. huaqing li,qingguo lü, guo chen, tingwen huang*, and zhaoyang dong. convergence of distributed accelerated algorithm over unbalanced directed network.ieee transactions on systems man cybernetics-system, regular paper, 2021, 51(8): 5153-5164.

14. huaqing li,qingguo lüand tingwen huang*. convergence analysis of a distributed optimization algorithm with a general unbalanced directed communication network.ieee transactions on network science and engineering, regular paper, 2019, 6(3): 237-248.

15. huaqing li, jinhui hu, liang ran, zheng wang,qingguo lü, zhenyuan du and tingwen huang*. decentralized dual proximal gradient algorithms for non-smooth constrained composite optimization problems.ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, regular paper, 2021, 32(10): 2594-2605.

16. youcheng niu, huaqing li, zheng wang,qingguo lü, dawen xia and lianghao ji*. a distributed stochastic proximal-gradient algorithm for composite optimization.ieee transactions on control of network systems, regular paper, 2021, 32(10): 2594-2605.

17. keke zhang, jiang xiong, xiangguang dai andqingguo lü. on the convergence of event-triggered distributed algorithm for economic dispatch problem.international journal of electrical power & energy systems, 2020, 122: 106159.


1. huaqing li,qingguo lü, zheng wang, xiaofeng liao and tingwen huang. distributed optimization: advances in theories, methods, and applications.springer, isbn: 978-981-15-6108-5, 2020.

2. huaqing li, dawen xia,qingguo lü, zheng wang, xiangzhao wu, huiwei wang and lianghao ji. second-order consensus of continuous-time multi-agent systems.elsevier,isbn:9780323901314,2020.


1. huaqing li, ye yuan,qingguo lü. detection data analysis method based on automobile vibration fault detection system.innovation patent, china, cn107449508b, 2020.

2. huaqing li, ye yuan, lifeng zheng,qingguo lü, zheng wang. wireless acquisition and display circuit and method for plantar pressure.innovation patent, china, cn111481205b, 2020.

3.qingguo lü, keke zhang, lifeng zheng and yunhang zhu. an efficient and accelerated distributed algorithm for smart grids.innovation patent, australia, 2020100842, 2020.

4.qingguo lü, keke zhang, zhengran cao and yunhang zhu. a computation-efficient distributed algorithm for convex constrained optimization problem.innovation patent, australia, 2020101237, 2020.

5.qingguo lü, keke zhang, lifeng zheng and zhengran cao. decentralized optimization algorithm for machine learning tasks in networks: resource efficient.innovation patent, australia, 2020101959, 2020.


1. chongqing postgraduate research and innovation project: research on distributed energy management and privacy protection algorithms in smart grid (cyb19074), 2019.01-2021.06. (pi)

2. chongqing postgraduate research and innovation project: distributed optimization based on multi-agent and its application in smart grid (cys16069), 2016.01-2016.12. (pi)

3. student project for general projects of basic scientific research business fees for central universities: research on distributed energy management and privacy protection for complex network smart grids (xdjk2020d008), 2020.01-2020.12. (pi)

4. student project for general projects of basic scientific research business fees for central universities: distributed consensus and optimization of multi-agent systems based on event-triggered communication (xdjk2017d174), 2017.01-2017.12. (pi)

professional activities

1. member of ieee

2. peer reviewers of many international journals, including ieee tac, ieee tnnls, ieee tcyb, ieee tsmc, ieee tnse, etc.
