yantao li-凯发娱发com

 yantao li-凯发娱发com
current position: english>> faculty>> >>
yantao li
update  :   2021-10-09    read  :  

yantao li


email: liyantao@cqu.edu.cn

yantao li received the ph.d degree from the college of computer science, chongqing university, chongqing, in december 2012. he was an associate professor at the college of computer and information science, southwest university, china, from 2013 – 2018. he is currently a researcher at the college of computer science, chongqing university, china. his research interests include wireless networks, sensor systems, ubiquitous and mobile computing, information security and privacy protection.

selected publication(*corresponding author)

1、y. li*, h. hu, z. zhu, g. zhou, scanet: sensor-based continuous authentication with two-stream convolutional neural networks,acm transactions on sensor networks,volume 16, issue 3, article 29, july 2020, 27 pages.

2、y. li*, b. zou, s. deng, g. zhou, using feature fusion strategies in continuous authentication on smartphones,ieee internet computing, volume 24, issue 2, march-april 2020, pages 49-56.

3、y. li*, x. peng, g. zhou, h. zhao, smartjump: a continuous jump detection framework on smartphones,ieee internet computing, volume 24, issue 2, march-april 2020, pages 18-26.

4、y. li*, h. hu, g. zhou, using data augmentation in continuous authentication on smartphones,ieee internet of things journal, volume 6, issue 1, february 2019, pages 628-640.

5、x. niu, h. huang*,y. li*, a real-time data collection mechanism with trajectory privacy in mobile crowd-sensing,ieee communications letters, volume 24, issue 10, october 2020, pages 2114-2118.

6、h. huang, d. chen,y. li*, im-ldp: incentive mechanism of mobile crowd sensing based on local differential privacy,ieee communications letters, in press, 2020.

7、y. li*, x. qi, m. keally, z. ren, g. zhou, d. xiao, communication energy modeling and optimization through joint packet size analysis of bsn and wifi networks,ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, volume 24, issue 9, september 2013, pages 1741-1751.

8、y. li*, f. xue, x. fan, z. qu, g. zhou, pedestrian walking safety system based on smartphone built-in sensors,iet communications, volume 12, issue 6, april 2018, pages 751-758

9、y. li*, g. ge, d. xia, chaotic hash function based on the dynamic s-box with variable parameters,nonlinear dynamics, volume 84, issue 4, june 2016, pages 2387-2402

10、y. li*, d. xiao, s. deng, keyed hash function based on a dynamic lookup table of functions,information sciences, volume 214, december 2012, pages 56-75


1、national natural science foundation of china (nsfc): behavioral biometrics-based mobile user continuous authentication: methods and key technologies. (pi)

2、national natural science youth foundation of china (nsfc): energy optimization and energy-efficient mac protocol for bsn-wifi networks. (pi)

professional activities

member of ieee, acm, and ccf

peer reviewers of international conferences, e.g., infocom, ipccc, icccn, etc., and international journals, e.g., acm tosn, ieee iot, ieee cybernetics, elsevier comnet, elsevier apen, springer mtap, etc.
