chaocan xiang-凯发娱发com

 chaocan xiang-凯发娱发com
current position: english>> faculty>> >>
chaocan xiang
update  :   2021-07-30    read  :  

chaocan xiang, associate professor


address: no.174, shazheng st., shapingba dist., chongqing, china.




i am looking for well-motivated students to work on uavs/vehicles-based   crowdsensing research projects. both master and   ph.d. students are welcome!

(11/2020) our paper “toiletbuilder: a pu learning based   model for selecting new public toilet locations” is accepted by ieee   internet of things journal (sci jcr-1, if=9.9)

(09/2020) our paper “joint sensor selection and energy   allocation for tasks-driven mobile charging in wireless rechargeable sensor   networks” is accepted by ieee internet of   things journal (sci jcr-1, if=9.9)

(03/2020) our paper “edge computing-empowered   large-scale traffic data recovery leveraging low-rank theory” is accepted   by ieee transactions on network science and engineering (sci jcr-1,   if=5.2)

(02/2020) our paper “buildsensys: reusing building   sensing data for traffic prediction with cross-domain learning” is   accepted by ieee transactions on mobile   computing (sci jcr-1, ccf a)

(01/2020) our paper “multi-source remote sensing-based   accurate landslide detection leveraging spatial-temporal and spectral feature   fusion” is accepted by journal of computer research and development (ccf a)




i'm currently an associate professor in college of computer science, chongqing university. i received the bachelor degree and ph.d. degree from nanjing institute of communication engineering, china, in 2009 and 2014, respectively. i studied at university of michigan-ann arbor in 2017 supervised by prof. kang g. shin, ieee life fellow, acm fellow. my research interests mainly include artificial intelligence, uavs/vehicles based crowdsensing, urban computing, internet of things, and big data. i have published more than 40 papers, including about 12 ieee/acm trans/ccf a/sci jcr-1 papers, such as ieee transactions on mobile computing (tmc), ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems (tpds), ieee internet of things journal (iotj), and acm ubicomp. i achieved a best paper award and a best poster award in two international conferences.


selected publication (*corresponding author)

1.    [ieee tmc’20] xiaochen fan, chaocan xiang*, chao chen, xudong song, panlong yang, liangyi gong, priyadarsi nanda, xiangjiang he, buildsensys: reusing building sensing data for traffic prediction with cross-domain learning, ieee transactions on mobile computing, 2020.(sci jcr-1, ccf a)

2.     [ieee tnse’20] chaocan xiang*, zhao zhang, yuben qu, dongyu lu, xiaochen fan, panlong yang, fan wu, edge computing-empowered large-scale traffic data recovery leveraging low-rank theory, ieee transactions on network science and engineering, 2020.( sci jcr-1)

3.     shanjing chen, chaocan xiang*, qing kang, tao wu, kai liu, liang feng, tao deng, multi-source remote sensing-based accurate landslide detection leveraging spatial-temporal and spectral feature fusion, journal of computer research and development, 2020 (ccf a)

4.     [ieee iotj 2020] tao wu, panlong yang, haipeng dai, chaocan xiang, xin he. joint sensor selection and energy allocation for tasks-driven mobile charging in wireless rechargeable sensor networks, ieee internet of things journal, 2020.( sci jcr-1, if=9.9)

5.     [ieee iotj 2020] chao chen, chaoxiong chen, chaocan xiang, songtao guo, zhu wang, bin guo, toiletbuilder: a pu learning based model for selecting new public toilet locations, ieee internet of things journal, 2020.(sci jcr-1, if=9.9)

6.     chaocan xiang*, xiaochen fan, chao chen, liangyi gong, songtao guo, fisher information-empowered sensing quality quantification for crowdsensing networks, neural computing and applications, 2020.(sci jcr-2)

7.     liangyi gong, chaocan xiang*, xiaochen fan, tao wu, chao chen, miao yu, wu yang, device-free near-field human sensing using wifi signals, personal and ubiquitous computing, 2020.(sci jcr-3)

8.     xiaochen fan, chaocan xiang*, liangyi gong, xin he, yuben qu, saeed amirgholipour, yue xi, priyadarsi nanda, xiangjian he, deep learning for intelligent traffic sensing and prediction: recent advances and future challenges, ccf transactions on pervasive computing and interaction, 2020.

9.     shanjing chen, chaocan xiang*, qing kang, wei zhong, yanlin zhou, kai liu, accurate landslide detection leveraging uav-based aerial remote sensing, iet communications, 2020, (sci jcr-3)

10.  [ieee tmc’19] liangyi gong, yiyang zhao, chaocan xiang*, zhenhua li, chen qian, panlong yang, robust light-weight magnetic-based door event detection with smartphones, ieee transactions on mobile computing, 2019.( sci jcr-1ccf a)

11.  [acm ubicomp’19] mingshi chen, panlong yang, jie xiong, maotian zhang, chaocan xiang, chang tian, your table can be an input panel: acoustic-based device-free interaction recognition, acm ubicomp, 2019. (ccf a)

12.  [ieee tvt’19] xuangou wu, zhaobin chu, panlong yang, chaocan xiang, xiao zheng, wenchao huang, tw-see: human activity recognition through the wall with commodity wi-fi devices, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 2019. (sci jcr-1)

13.  [acm ubicomp’18] maotian zhang, qian dai, panlong yang, jie xiong, chang tian, chaocan xiang. idial: enabling a virtual dial plate on the hand back for around-device interaction, acm ubicomp, 2018. (ccf a)

14.  xuangou wu, shaojie tang, panlong yang, chaocan xiang, xiao zheng, cloud is safe when compressive: efficient image privacy protection via shuffling enabled compressive sensing, computer communications, 2018, 117:36-45. (sci jcr-2)

15.  qingyu li, panlong yang, xiaochen fan, shaojie tang, chaocan xiang, deke guo, fan li, taming the big to small: efficient selfish task allocation in mobile crowdsourcing systems”,concurrency and computation: practice and experience, 2017, 29(14). (sci jcr-4ccf c)

16. [ieee tmc’16] chaocan xiang*, panlong yang, chang tian, lan zhang, hao lin, fu xiao, maotian zhang, yunhao liu, carm: crowd-sensing accurate outdoor rss maps with error-prone smartphone measurements, ieee transactions on mobile computing, 2016, 15(11), p.2669-2681.(sci jcr-1, ccf a)

17.   [ieee tvt’16] chaocan xiang*, panlong yang, xuangou wu, hong he, baowei wang, yunhao liu, istep: a step-aware sampling approach for diffusion profiling in mobile sensor networks, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 201665(10), p.8616-8628.(sci jcr-1)

18.  chaocan xiang*, panlong yang, shucheng xiao, counter-strike: accurate and robust identification of low-level radiation sources with crowd-sensing networks, personal and ubiquitous computing, 201621(1), p.75-84(sci jcr-3)

19.  chaocan xiang*, panlong yang, chang tian, qingyu li, xiangyang li, changzhen li, accurate quantification of sensor noise in participatory sensing network, ad hoc &sensor wireless networks, 201630(3/4), p.163-182 (sci jcr-4)

20.  xiaochen fan, panlong yang, qingyu li, dawei liu, chaocan xiang, yonggang zhao, safe-crowd: secure task allocation for collaborative mobile social network. security and communication networks, 2016, 9(15), p.2686 -2695. (sci jcr-4ccf c)

21. [ieee tpds’15] chaocan xiang*, panlong yang, chang tian, yunhao liu, calibrate without calibrating: an iterative approach in participatory sensing network,ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, 2015, 26(2): 351-361. (sci jcr-1, ccf a)

22.  chaocan xiang, panlong yang, xuangou wu, hong he, shucheng xiao, qos-based service selection with light-weight description for large-scale service-oriented internet of things. tsinghua science and technology, 2015. 20(4): p. 336-347. (sci jcr-4)

23.  chaocan xiang*, panlong yang, chang tian, yubo yan, xiaopei wu, yunhao liu, passfit: participatory sensing and filtering for identifying truthful urban pollution sources, ieee sensors journal, 2013, 13(10): 3721-3732 (sci jcr-2)

24.  chaocan xiang*, xiangyang li, panlong yang, chang tian, qingyu li, feeling sensors pulse: accurate noise quantification in participatory sensing network. ieee proceedings of mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks, 2013 (best paper award)



1.      project of national natural science foundation of china, “research on online incentive mechanism design of mobile crowd-sensing based on multimodal self-learning”, 61872447, 2019/01-2022/12, pi, in research.

2.      project of national natural science foundation of china, "research on automatic calibration technique for uncertain sensing data in crowd-sensing networks", 61502520, 2016/01-2018/12, pi, completed;

3.      natural science foundation of chongqing, “research on online incentive mechanism in mobile crowd-sensing”, cstc2018jcyja1879, 2018/08-2021/07, pi, in research.

4.      natural science foundation of chongqing, “research on scalable calibration in crowd-sensing”, cstc2016jcyja0053, 2016/06-2019/06, pi, completed.


awards and honors:

1.     best paper award, ieee conference on mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks (ieee msn), 2013;

2.     best poster award, the sixth international workshop on iot and wsn, 2013;

3.     outstanding service award, ieee conference on ubiquitous intelligence and computing (ieee uic), 2019;

4.     outstanding service award, 13th china conference on internet of things (wireless sensor network) (cwsn), 2019.
