kai liu-凯发娱发com

 kai liu-凯发娱发com
current position: english>> faculty>> >>
kai liu
update  :   2021-07-30    read  :  

kai liu


email: liukai0807@cqu.edu.cn

i am currently a professor in the college of computer science, chongqing university (cqu). i joint cqu in 2014 honored with the one-hundred-talent program. i received my ph.d. degree in computer science from city university of hong kong in 2011. from december 2010 to may 2011, i was a visiting scholar with the department of computer science, university of virginia (uva), usa. from 2011 to 2014, i was a postdoctoral fellow with nanyang technological university (ntu), singapore; city university of hong kong (cityu); and hong kong baptist university (hkbu). my research interests include vehicular cyber-physical systems, intelligent transportation systems, mobile computing, pervasive computing and internet of things.


selected publication (*corresponding author)                                                               

1.          kai liu*, ke xiao, penglin dai, victor lee, songtao guo and jiannong cao. fog computing empowered data dissemination in software defined heterogeneous vanets. ieee transactions on mobile computing, 2020. [sci] impact factor:5.112 (2019), 4.549 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

2.       chunhui liu, kai liu*, songtao guo, ruitao xie, victor lee and sang son. adaptive offloading for time-critical tasks in heterogeneous internet of vehicles. ieee internet of things journal, volume 7, issue 9, pp.7999-8011.september 2020. [sci] impact factor: 9.936(2019), 11.705 (5-year). 

3.       penglin dai, zihua hang, kai liu*, xiao wu, huanlai xing, zhaofei yu and victor chung sing lee. multi-armed bandit learning for computation-intensive services in mec-empowered vehicular networks. ieee transactions on vehicular technology, volume 69, issue 7, pp. 7821-7834.july 2020. [sci] impact factor: 5.379(2019), 5.119 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

4.       junhua wang, kai liu*, bin li, tingting liu, ruoguang li and zhu han. delay-sensitive multi-period computation offloading with reliability guarantees in fog networks. ieee transactions on mobile computing, volume 19, issue 9, pp. 2062-2075. may 2020. [sci] impact factor:5.112 (2019), 4.549 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

5.       feiyu jin, kai liu*, hao zhang, joseph k.y. ng, songtao guo, victor c.s. lee and sang h. son. towards scalable and robust indoor tracking: design, implementation and evaluation. ieee internet of things journal,volume 7, issue 2, pp. 1192-1204, february 2020. [sci] impact factor: 9.515 (2018), 11.216 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

6.       wendi nie, kai liu*, victor c.s. lee, yaoxin duan and sarana nutanong. vehdoop: a scalable analytical processing framework for vehicular sensor networks. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, volume 20, issue 8, pp. 3104-3114, august 2019. [sci] impact factor: 5.744 (2018), 6.064 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

7.       kai liu*, xincao xu, mengliang chen, bingyi liu, libing wu and victor lee. a hierarchical architecture for the future internet of vehicles. ieee communications magazine, volume 57, issue 7, pp. 41-47, july 2019. [sci] impact factor: 10.356  (2018), 12.091 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

8.       penglin dai, kai liu*, xiao wu, zhaofei yu, huanlai xing and victor c.s. lee. cooperative temporal data dissemination in sdn-based heterogeneous vehicular networks. ieee internet of things journal, volume 6, issue 1, pp. 72-83, february 2019. [sci] impact factor: 9.515 (2018), 11.216 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

9.       penglin dai, kai liu*, liang feng, haijun zhang, victor lee, sang son and xiao wu. temporal information services in large-scale vehicular networks through evolutionary multi-objective optimization. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, volume 20, issue 1, pp. 218-231, january 2019. [sci] impact factor: 5.744 (2018), 6.064 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

10.    kai liu*, liang feng, penglin dai, victor lee, sang son and jiannong cao. coding-assisted broadcast scheduling via memetic computing in sdn-based vehicular networks. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, volume 19, issue 8, pp. 2420-2431, august 2018. [sci] impact factor: 4.051 (2018), 4.713 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

11.    penglin dai, kai liu*, xiao wu, yong liao, victor c.s. lee and sang h. son. bandwidth efficiency and service adaptiveness oriented data dissemination in heterogeneous vehicular networks. ieee transactions on vehicular technology, volume 67, issue 7, pp. 6585-6598, july 2018. [sci] impact factor: 4.432 (2017), 4.275 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

12.    junhua wang, kai liu*, ke xiao, chao chen, weiwei wu, victor lee and sang son. dynamic clustering and cooperative scheduling for vehicle-to-vehicle communication in bidirectional road scenarios. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, volume 19, issue 6, pp. 1913-1924, june 2018. [sci] impact factor: 4.051 (2017), 4.713 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

13.     kai liu*, hao zhang, joseph ng, yusheng xia, liang feng, victor lee and sang son. towards low overhead fingerprint-based indoor localization via transfer learning: design, implementation and evaluation. ieee transactions on industrial informatics, volume 14, issue 3, pp. 898-908, march 2018. [sci] impact factor: 6.764 (2016), 7.538 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

14.    jun chen, victor lee, kai liu* and jianjun li. efficient cache management for network coding assisted data broadcast. ieee transactions on vehicular technology, volume 66, issue 4, pp. 3361-3375, april 2017. [sci] impact factor: 4.066 (2016), 4.057 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

15.    penglin dai, kai liu*, qingfeng zhuge, edwin sha, victor lee and sang son. quality of experience oriented autonomous intersection control in vehicular networks. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, volume 17, issue 7, pp.1956-1967, july 2016. [sci] impact factor: 3.724 (2016), 4.467 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

16.    kai liu*, joseph ng, junhua wang, victor lee, weiwei wu, sang son. network coding assisted data dissemination via cooperative vehicle-to-vehicle/-infrastructure communications. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, volume 17, issue 6, pp.1509-1520, june 2016. [sci] impact factor: 3.724 (2016), 4.467 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

17.    kai liu*, joseph ng, victor lee, sang son and ivan stojmenovic. cooperative data scheduling in hybrid vehicular networks: vanet as a software defined network. ieee/acm transactions on networking, volume 24, issue 3, pp. 1759-1773, june 2016. [sci] impact factor: 3.376 (2016), 4.011 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

18.    kai liu, victor lee, joseph ng, jun chen* and sang son. temporal data dissemination in vehicular cyber-physical systems. ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, volume 15, no 6, pp. 2419-2431, december 2014. [sci] impact factor: 3.064 (2012), 3.263 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1)

19.    kai liu, victor lee, joseph ng, sang son and edwin sha*. scheduling temporal data with dynamic snapshot consistency requirement in vehicular cyber-physical systems. acm transactions on embedded computing systems, volume 13, no. 5s, article 163, september 2014. [sci] impact factor: 0.680 (2013), 0.967 (5-year)

20.    kai liu*, hock beng lim, emilio frazzoli, houling ji and victor lee. improving positioning accuracy using gps pseudorange measurements for cooperative vehicular localization. ieee transactions on vehicular technology, volume 63, no. 6, pp. 2544-2556, july 2014. [sci] impact factor: 2.642 (2013), 2.667 (5-year) (jcr rank:q1) 


projects as pi

1.       fundamental research funds for the central universities, research on intelligent service theories and methodologies in software defined vehicular networks. 2020cdcgj004, 2020/01–2020/12.

2.       general project of national natural science foundation of china, research on architecture and protocols for large-scale data services in converged heterogeneous internet of vehicles, 61872049, 2019/01–2022/12.

3.       international cooperation project with dgist, republic of korea, architecture design and analysis for 5g-enabled software-defined vehicular networks, h20180672, 2018/07–2018/12.

4.       venture and innovation support program for chongqing overseas returnees, research on architecture and protocols for sdn-based converged heterogeneous iov, cx2018016, 2018/10–2019/10.

5.       frontier interdisciplinary research funds for the central universities, research on architecture and protocols for software defined vehicular networks in fog computing paradigm, 2018cdqyjsj0034, 2018/01-2019/12.

6.       natural science foundation of chongqing, research on algorithm and theory for on-demand information services in mobile computing environments, cstc2017jcyjax0026, 2017/07–2020/06.

7.       general project of national natural science foundation of china, on multi-channel i2v/v2v hybrid communication and temporal information service in internet of vehicles, 61572088, 2016/01–2019/12.

8.       international cooperation project with dgist, republic of korea, towards large-scale and real-time information collection and dissemination in vehicular networks, 1040112820170535, 2017/072018/07.

9.       state grid cooperation of china, analysis and application on benchmarking based on data mining, 1042012920161043, 2016/12–2017/12.

10.    international cooperation project with dgist, republic of korea, cross-layer design for data services in software-defined vehicular ad-hoc networks, 1042012920161043, 2016/072017/07.

11.    fundamental research funds for the central universities, research on real-time vehicular communication and temporal information services in iov, 106112015cdjzr185518, 2015/012016/12.

12.    international cooperation project with dgist, republic of korea, towards efficient information services via v2x communications in vehicular cyber-physical systems, 1040112820150601, 2015/072016/07.

13.    international cooperation project with dgist, republic of korea, towards robust infrastructure-based data dissemination by exploiting cooperative inter-vehicle communication, 1042012920140662, 2014/072015/07.

