duo liu-凯发娱发com

 duo liu-凯发娱发com
current position: english>> faculty>> >>
duo liu
update  :   2021-07-30    read  :  

duo liu


email: liuduo@cqu.edu.cn

duo liu is a professor under "one-hundred talents program" with the college of computer science, chongqing university, china. he received the ph.d. degree in computer science from the department of computing, the hong kong polytechnic university in 2012. he received the chongqing science fund for distinguished young scholars and chongqing youth talent support program. his current research interests include emerging non-volatile memory (nvm) techniques for embedded systems, in-memory computing, intelligent storage systems, high-performance computing, and hardware/software co-design in embedded systems. he has published more than 100 academic papers in in top journals (ieee trans. on tc, tpds, tcad, etc.) or conferences (dac, micro, hpca, date, etc.). he has been authorized 17 patents. he has led over more than 10 national projects, such as the national natural science foundation of china. he is now an associate editor of journal of systems architecture. he has served as guest editor of sustainable computing, and tpc co-chair (iwnvm2013, ses2014, ieee icess2017) and program committee for multiple international conferences (dac, ipdps, icpp, aspdac, etc.), and as reviewer for several acm/ieee journals and transactions. he also served as a member of the 5th youth federation of chongqing, senior member of china computer federation (ccf), chairman of ccf yocsef chongqing (2016-2018), standing member of the ccf information storage technology special committee, member of the ccf embedded system special committee, and the secretary general of high performance computing special committee of chongqing computer federation. he has won the third prize of chongqing science and technology progress award (ranking first), outstanding staff of chongqing university.
