liang feng-凯发娱发com

 liang feng-凯发娱发com
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liang feng
update  :   2021-07-30    read  :  

liang feng



liang feng received the ph.d degree from the school of computer engineering, nanyang technological university, singapore, in 2014. he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the computational intelligence graduate lab, nanyang technological university, singapore. he is currently a professor at the college of computer science, chongqing university, china. his research interests include computational and artificial intelligence, memetic computing, big data optimization and learning, as well as transfer learning. his research work on evolutionary multitasking won the 2019 ieee transactions on evolutionary computation outstanding paper award. he is associate editor of the ieee computational intelligence magazine, memetic computing, and cognitive computation. he is also the founding chair of the ieee cis intelligent systems applications technical committee task force on “transfer learning & transfer optimization” and the pc member of the ieee task force on “memetic computing”. he had co-organized and chaired the special session on “memetic computing” held at ieee cec’16, cec’17, cec’18, cec’19, and the special session on "transfer learning in evolutionary computation" held at cec’18, cec’19.

selected publication(*corresponding author)                                                               

1l. feng*, y. huang, l. zhou, j. zhong, a. gupta, k. tang, and k. c. tan, “explicit evolutionary multitasking for combinatorial optimization: a case study on capacitated vehicle routing problem”, ieee transactions on cybernetics, in press, 2020.

2l. feng*, l. zhou, a. gupta, j. zhong, z. zhu, k. c. tan and k. qin, "solving generalized vehicle routing problem with occasional drivers via evolutionary multitasking,", ieee transactions on cybernetics, in press, 2019.

3l. feng*, l. zhou, j. zhong, a. gupta, y. s. ong and k. c. tan, "evolutionary multitasking via explicit autoencoding,", ieee transactions on cybernetics, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 3457-3470, 2019.

4l. feng*, y. s. ong, s. jiang and a. gupta, "autoencoding evolutionary search with learning across heterogeneous problems", ieee transactions on evolutionary computation, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 760 - 772, 2017.

5l. feng*, y.-s. ong, m.-h. lim, and ivor w. tsang. "memetic search with inter-domain learning: a realization between cvrp and carp", ieee transactions on evolutionary computation, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 644-658, 2015.

6l. zhou, l. feng*, k. c. tan and j. zhong, z. zhu, k. liu and c. chen, toward adaptive knowledge transfer in multifactorial evolutionary computation, ieee transactions on cybernetics, in press, 2020.

7y. hou, y. s. ong, l. feng* and j. m. zurada, "an evolutionary transfer reinforcement learning framework for multi-agent system", ieee transactions on evolutionary computation, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 601-615, 2017, 2017.

8j. zhong, l. feng*, w. cai , and y. s. ong, "multifactorial genetic programming for symbolic regression problems", ieee transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: system, in press, 2018

9j. zhong, l. feng*, and y. s. ong, "gene expression programming: a survey", ieee computational intelligence magazine, 12(3), 54-72, 2017

10a. gupta, y.-s. ong and l. feng, "multifactorial evolution: towards evolutionary multitasking", ieee transactions on evolutionary computation, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 343-357, 2016.


1national natural science foundation of china: high performance multitasking optimization algorithm based on transfer learning. (pi)

2national natural science youth foundation of china: intelligent transportation path planning based on transfer learning and memetic computing. (pi)

3chongqing application foundation and research in cutting edge technologiesintelligent transportation path planning based on data mining and pattern recognition. (pi)

4frontier interdisciplinary research fund for the central universities: intelligent path optimization algorithm for smart city logistics. (pi)

5the venture & innovation support program for chongqing overseas returnees: fast path planning based on transfer learning。(pi

6the venture & innovation support program for chongqing overseas returnees: towards evolutionary multi-task intelligent optimizationpi

7chongqing university interdisciplinary projectbig data and artificial intelligence in the construction industry。(co-pi

professional activities                                                                        

member of ieee and ieee computational intelligence society (cis)

member of acm and secretary of acm chongqing

member of china computer association

member of china computer association intelligent simulation optimization and scheduling committee

founding chair of ieee cis task force on "transfer learning & transfer optimization"

associated editor of ieee computational intelligencememetic computing journal and cognitive computing journal

co-chair of several special sessions at ieee congress on evolutionary computation 2016201720182019 and 2020

co-chair of competition on evolutionary multitasking at ieee congress on evolutionary computation 201720182019 and 2020

peer reviewers of international conferences, e.g., aaaiijcaiieee cecacm geccoetc., and international journals, e.g., ieee tevcieee cyberneticsmit ecjieee tnnls, etc.
