fuqiang gu-凯发娱发com

 fuqiang gu-凯发娱发com
current position: english>> faculty>> >>
fuqiang gu
update  :   2021-07-30    read  :  

fuqiang gu


email: gufq@cqu.edu.cn

fuqiang gu is currently a professor at the college of computer science, chongqing university, china. he received his ph.d from the university of melbourne, australia, in 2018. he was a visiting scholar at the rwth aachen university from august to october 2018, a postdoctoral research fellow at the department of mechanical and industrial engineering,  university of toronto, canada from november 2018 to september 2019, and a research fellow at the school of computing, national university of singapore, singapore from october 2019 to december 2020.

his research interests include positioning and navigation, activity recognition, deep learning, and robotics. he has published in several leading journals such as acm computing surveys, ieee internet of things, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, ieee transactions on instrumentation & measurement, ieee sensors and future generation computer systems as well as some leading international conferences such as ijcai, globecom and iros. he is a guest editor for several journals such as information fusion and measurement, and a member of technical program committee for ispa 2020 and vtc 2020/2021. he is a member of ieee, acm, and ccf.

selected publication(*corresponding author)                                                               

[13] gu, f., chung, m., chignell, m., valaee, s., zhou, b., liu, x. a survey on deep learning for human activity recognition. acm computing surveys, 2021.

[12] gu, f., sng, w., hu, x., and yu, f. eventdrop: data augmentation for event-based learning. 30th international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai), montreal, canada, 2021. acceptance rate: 13.9%

[11] gu, f., valaee, s., khoshelham, k., shang, j., and zhang, r. landmark graph-based indoor localization. ieee internet of things, 7(9), 8343-8355, 2020.

[10] gu, f., hu, x., ramezani, m., acharya, d., khoshelham, k., valaee, s., and shang, j. indoor localization improved by spatial context - a survey. acm computing surveys, 52(3), 64:1-35, 2019.

[9] gu, f., khoshelham, k., valaee, s., shang, j., and zhang, r. locomotion activity recognition using stacked denoising autoencoders. ieee internet of things, 5(3), 2085-2093, 2018.

[8] chen, p., shang, j., and gu, f*. learning rssi feature via ranking model for wi-fi fingerprinting localization. ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 69(2), 1695-1705, 2020.

[7] chen, p., zheng, x.,gu, f*, and shang, j. path distance-based map matching for wi-fi fingerprinting positioning. future generation computer systems, 107, 82-94, 2020.

[6] gu, f., khoshelham, k., yu, c., and shang, j. accurate step length estimation for pedestrian dead reckoning localization using stacked autoencoders. ieee transactions on instrumentation & measurement, 68(8), 2705-2713, 2018.

[5] gu, f., khoshelham, k., shang, j., yu, f.,wei, z. robust and accurate smartphone-based step counting for indoor localization. ieee sensors journal, 17(11), 3453-3460, 2017.

[4] gu, f., sng, w., taunyazov, t., soh, h. tactilesgnet: a spiking graph neural network for event-based tactile object recognition. ieee/rsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems (iros), 2020.

[3] gu, f., blankenbach, j., khoshelham, k., grottke, j., and valaee, s. zeefi: zero-effort floor identification with deep learning for indoor localization. 2019 ieee global communications conference (globecom)2019.

[2] gu, f., valaee, s., khoshelham, k., shang, j. locomotion activity recognition-a deep learning approach.the 28th annual ieee international symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio communications (ieee pimrc 2017), montreal, qc, canada, 2017.

[1] gu, f., khoshelham, k., shang, j, yu, f. sensory landmarks for indoor localization, upinlbs 2016, shanghai, china, 2016. (best paper award)


[1] ubiquitous indoor intelligent hybrid positioning, meituan corporation,  2019.7-2020.8 (co-pi)

[2] indoor navigation and positioning based smart devices, daad, 2018 (pi)

[3] mapping methods of multilayered semantic location models in ubiquitous computing, national natural science foundation of china, 2013.1-2016.12

[4] indoor gis systems for intelligent positioning, sub project of national key research and development program of china, 2016.7-2020.12

professional activities                                                                        

[1] member of ieee, acm, and ccf

[2] guest editor for information fusion, measurement, and ddns

[3] member of technical program committee for ispa 2020, vtc 2020/2021

[4] peer reviewers of international journals, e.g., tmc, csurtvt,  iot, twc, tnnls, pr, comst, ncaa, fgcs,  etc., and international conferences, e.g., ubicomp, ijcaiicra, iros, globecometc.
