jiaxing shang-凯发娱发com

 jiaxing shang-凯发娱发com
current position: english>> faculty>> >>
jiaxing shang
update  :   2021-07-30    read  :  

jiaxing shang

associate professor

email: shangjx@cqu.edu.cn

jiaxing shang received the bachelor degree in automation from tsinghua university, china, in 2010. he eceived the ph.d degree in control science and engineering from the department of automation, tsinghua university, china, in 2016. he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the college of computer science, chongqing university, china, during 2016 to 2019. he is currently an associate professor at the college of computer science, chongqing university, china. his research interests include social network analysis and mining, industrial big data analytics, data mining, graph neural networks, explainable ai, etc. he has published 40 high quality journal and conference papers, including kbs, sna-kdd, physica a, wasa, iconip, wise, etc. his work was funded by many top-level grants, including nsfc, cstc, national key r&d program of china, etc.  he served as a peer reviewer for many high-quality journals, including tkde, tsmc-s, t-its, acm tweb, acm tmis, artificial intelligence review, chinese journal of computers, tnse, etc. he was a session chair for wasa’17, hhme’20, dsonam’20.

selected publication(*corresponding author)                                                               

journal papers:

1jiaxing shang*, shuo huang, dingyang zhang, zixuan peng, dajiang liu, yong li, lexi xu. rne2vec: information diffusion popularity prediction based on repost network embedding. computing, 2020, accepted. (sci, jcr q2)

2xinjun cai, jiaxing shang*, ziwei jin, feiyi liu, baohua qiang, wu xie. dbge: employee turnover prediction based on dynamic bipartite graph embedding. ieee access, 2020, 8: 10390-10402. (sci, jcr q1)

3jiaxing shang*, hongchun wu, shangbo zhou, jiang zhong, yong feng, and baohua qiang. impc: influence maximization based on multi-neighbor potential in community networks. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2018, 512: 1085-1103. (sci, jcr q2)

4hongchun wu, jiaxing shang*, shangbo zhou, yong feng, baohua qiang, and wu xie. laim: a linear time iterative approach for efficient influence maximization in large-scale networks. ieee access, 2018, 6: 44221-44234. (sci, jcr q1)

5jiaxing shang*, shangbo zhou, xin li, lianchen liu and hongchun wu. cofim: a community-based framework for influence maximization on large-scale networks. knowledge-based systems, 2017, 117: 80-100. (sci, ccf-c, jcr q1

6jiaxing shang*, lianchen liu, xin li, feng xie, and cheng wu. targeted revision: a learning-based approach for incremental community detection in dynamic networks. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2016, 443: 70-85. (sci, jcr q2)

7jiaxing shang*, lianchen liu, xin li, feng xie, and cheng wu. epidemic spreading in complex networks with overlapping and non-overlapping community structure. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2015, 419: 171-182. (scijcr q2)


conference papers:

1ziwei jin, jiaxing shang*, qianwen zhu, chen ling, wu xie, baohua qiang. rfrsf: employee turnover prediction based on random forests and survival analysis. the 21st international conference on web information systems engineering (wise 2020), oct 20-24th, 2020, amsterdam and leiden, netherlands. (accepted, ei, ccf-c)

2zongwei kang, jiaxing shang*, yong feng*, linjiang zheng, dajiang liu, baohua qiang, ran wei. a deep sequence-to-sequence method for aircraft landing speed prediction based on qar data. the 21st international conference on web information systems engineering (wise 2020), oct 20-24th, 2020, amsterdam and leiden, netherlands. (accepted, ei, ccf-c)

3xu li, jiaxing shang*, linjiang zheng, dajiang liu, lin qi, and liu liu. curvecluster: automated recognition of hard landing patterns based on qar curve clustering. the 16th ieee international conference on ubiquitous intelligence and computing (uic), aug 19-23rd, 2019, leicester, uk. (ei, ccf-c)

4qianwen zhu, jiaxing shang*, xinjun cai, linli jiang, feiyi liu, baohua qiang. coxrf: employee turnover prediction based on survival analysis. the 16th ieee international conference on ubiquitous intelligence and computing (uic), aug 19-23rd, 2019, leicester, uk. (ei, ccf-c)

5jiaxing shang*, xiaofan yan, linhui feng, haojie wang, and shangbo zhou. exttra: short-term traffic flow prediction based on extremely randomized trees. the 25th international conference on neural information processing (iconip), pp. 532-544, dec 13-16th, 2018, siem reap, combodia. (ei, ccf-c)

6jiaxing shang*, jinghao wang, ge liu, hongchun wu, shangbo zhou, and yong feng. app uninstalls prediction: a machine learning and time series mining approach. the 24th international conference on neural information processing (iconip), pp. 514-522, nov 14-17th, 2017, guangzhou. (ei, ccf-c)

7hongchun wu, jiaxing shang*, shangbo zhou and yong feng. a linear time algorithm for influence maximization in large-scale social networks. the 24th international conference on neural information processing (iconip), pp. 752-761, nov 14-17th, 2017, guangzhou. (ei, ccf-c)

8jiaxing shang*, hongchun wu, shangbo zhou, lianchen liu, hongbin tang. effective influence maximization based on the combination of multiple selectors. the 12th international conference on wireless algorithms, systems, and applications (wasa), pp. 572-583, jun 19-21, 2017, guilin. (ei,ccf-c)

9jiaxing shang*, lianchen liu, feng xie, et al. a real-time detecting algorithm for tracking community structure of dynamic networks. in acm 6th sna-kdd workshop, 2012.



1national natural science youth foundation of china (no. 61702059): big data driven influence maximization in social networks. (pi)

2chongqing frontier and application foundation research program (no. cstc2018jcyjax0340): influence maximization by deeply integrating geographical location and social network big data. (pi)

3china postdoctoral science foundation (no. 2017m612913): big data-based influence maximization in large-scale social networks. (pi)

4national natural science foundation of china for less developed regions (no. 61966008)big data and artificial intelligence in the construction industry. (co-pi)

5chongqing industrial generic technology innovation program (no. cstc2017zdcy-zdzxx0010): the construction and multi-domain application of a comprehensive service platform for sharing big data and intelligent human resources. (co-pi)


professional activities                                                                        

member of ieee

member of acm

member of china computer federation

member of china computer federation technical committee of pervasive computing

member of china computer federation technical committee of collaborative computing

session chair of wasa 2017, hhme 2020

chair of dsonam 2020

tpc member of icc 2019, icc 2020 mwn symposium

peer reviewers of international journals and conferences, e.g., tkde, tsmc-s, t-its, acm tweb, acm tmis, artificial intelligence review, chinese journal of computers, tnse, fsdm, dsonam, etc.
